
GSU Protocol

GSU Protocol is a decentralized CDP (collateralized debt position) protocol which uses multi crypto collateral available on the Ethereum Blockchain approved by the “GSU Protocol'' to issue a stable unit GSU Stable Coin (GSUc).

GSU Protocol web interface displaying options to deploy crypto into the GSUcoin app with a modern pink theme



Collateral-Backed Cryptocurrency

Mobile view of GSU Protocol homepage highlighting cryptocurrency deployment into the GSUcoin app



Collateral-Backed Cryptocurrency

Mobile view of GSU Protocol homepage highlighting cryptocurrency deployment into the GSUcoin app



Collateral-Backed Cryptocurrency

Mobile view of GSU Protocol homepage highlighting cryptocurrency deployment into the GSUcoin app



Collateral-Backed Cryptocurrency


It reflects actual underlying economic activities between countries and currencies. It does not exist in the traditional monetary systems, therefore we call it blockchain native stablecoin. It optimally reduces volatility and the risk of disorderly exchange-rate movements. To learn more about GSUc, read our introduction to the GSU exchange rate.

You can use many different collateral types which are voted in by GSU Governance to the GSU Protocol, including ETH and wrapped BTC. You can see each one by visiting GSUcoin.app with the corresponding Stability Fees and Minimum Collateralization Ratios.

GSU Protocol web dashboard showcasing borrowing and lending features with a clean and intuitive interface.
Mobile dashboard of GSU Protocol highlighting borrowing options and wallet connection features
Mobile dashboard of GSU Protocol highlighting borrowing options and wallet connection features
Mobile dashboard of GSU Protocol highlighting borrowing options and wallet connection features
Web interface of GSU Protocol showing detailed transaction information and collateralized crypto lending proces
Mobile interface of GSU Protocol providing real-time data on collateral value, vault history, and borrowing limits
Mobile interface of GSU Protocol providing real-time data on collateral value, vault history, and borrowing limits
Mobile interface of GSU Protocol providing real-time data on collateral value, vault history, and borrowing limits

Problem: A fintech startup based in Denmark wanted to launch a centralized exchange platform to take their GSU unit to the market and to have an opportunity to generate ROI from trading services. For every national fiat currency, they wanted to create a wrap GSU. The aim was to take it to the market so people can trade it with their fiat currency and spend it as they need.

Our solution: We provided them with their required centralized exchange platform called GSU Exchange. It is a secure, scalable, and ultra-low latency cryptocurrency trading platform built to match the high volatility of the crypto industry.

We developed the exchange using distributed and fault-tolerant technologies making it highly flexible and reliable. Its matching engine can work with any type of asset.


They were able to secure a license from Danish Financial Authorities. Now, they are engaged in talks with banks to onboard them as legal partners. They will soon be putting it live for their operations.


We used the following technologies in the development of GSU Exchange: Solidity, Python, Next Framework, Shell, Docker, Nix, TS, Web3, Wallet Connect, Hardhat, Jest, Cache Server, GraphQL, NodeJS, TS, Oasis Spock, Market Maker Keepers, Auction Keepers, OSM, Settlements, MONGODB, Cypress, MixPanel, Pocket, Alchemy, Etherscan, GraphQL.

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